Reliable technologies
with upcoming ecosystem

The main idea is to develop reliable products for
communities and projects

Updated Explorer

The updated Explorer combines many new features and ideas that
are not yet available on the web 3.0

Smart Faucet

Specially designed fauсet for fair and functional distribution of project tokens

A simple and reliable way to get tokens

How to use it? Medium article about technicals staps to work with faucet productivty and full-usefull way

The main features

We specialize in web 3.0 sphere and serves as a developers with own products. Our purpose is: providing the most effective support for web3 projects, developing our own products and creating a concept for the advancement and security of blockchain technologies. Take a closer experience with our products.
An important part of our work is trust from users and projects. We act as a reliable validator and developers. Reliability is a key objective of our team for further development and your trust.
Continuous support for our developments means the ongoing development of existing products and the development of new ones. Our team is also in constant contacting with networks and the community to answer your questions. And our work as a validator on various networks involves ongoing support and responsibility.
User feedback on our social media platforms plays a big role for us. We try to keep up with the progress and offer different products to please our users. A friendly and responsive community is also a key objective of our company.
  • Expertise
  • Reability
  • Supporting
  • Community
We specialize in web 3.0 sphere and serves as a developers with own products. Our purpose is: providing the most effective support for web3 projects, developing our own products and creating a concept for the advancement and security of blockchain technologies. Take a closer experience with our products.An important part of our work is trust from users and projects. We act as a reliable validator and developers. Reliability is a key objective of our team for further development and your trust.Continuous support for our developments means the ongoing development of existing products and the development of new ones. Our team is also in constant contacting with networks and the community to answer your questions. And our work as a validator on various networks involves ongoing support and responsibility.User feedback on our social media platforms plays a big role for us. We try to keep up with the progress and offer different products to please our users. A friendly and responsive community is also a key objective of our company.

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